Friday, December 12, 2008

Gall Bladder

Yesterday, I met with Dr. Cronin at St. Luke's. Looks like I have to have my gall bladder removed. I have a lot of gall stones. The magical date will be on December 26, bummer, huh? Oh well. It was for the best. I wanted to be able to enjoy the holidays and all of the get-togethers we have planned. It will be laproscopic and he said he normally keeps his patients 24 hours but since I have a little one he'll consider letting me go. I'm the first case (7:30 a.m.) so if all is well by 1 or 2, I'll be able to go. Rowan is 10 weeks today and will be 12 weeks to the day, the day of my surgery.

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Rowan's Binky

Rowan's Binky
Should I suck on my binky or my thumb?